‘Virtual Friday Night Bubbles’ May 8th celebrating Adelaide Hills Sparkling Wines
The first ‘Virtual Bubbles Masterclass’ in May will feature the ‘Best of Adelaide Hills Sparkling Wine’
Join the Champagne Goddess and your joyful online community for ‘Virtual Bubbles’ – a cheerful conversation about some of our favourite Adelaide Hills Sparkling Wines.
Bring your own Australian Sparkling and gather together for some bubbly inspiration: Friday 8th May 2020 6:30pm
Susan will share tasting notes, history and information about her chosen sparkling this week: The Deviation Road 2017 Loftia Vintage Brut.
Join the online masterclass to learn about:
1. The history of the Adelaide Hills region, and why their cool climate vineyards are held in high regard
2. The specific wine-making techniques employed by the Australian wine-makers and viticulturists, and
3. one or two other interesting facts!
Then, she’ll dive into other special sparkling wines, as nominated by YOU, the audience. To have your Sparkling Wine featured, send Susan a message regarding which Aussie Sparkling you’re planning to enjoy, download the free Zoom software, (www.zoom.us) and join a meeting with the Meeting ID and password provided in the follow-up email.
It’s our ‘End-of-the week bubbles and connection’ in the Corona-virus-era!
Jump into the zoom room 5 minutes early so we can introduce ourselves…
If you’re interested in purchasing your own bottle of Deviation Road 2017 Loftia Vintage Brut before the 8th May, you can take advantage of their special offer during Covid-19: All online orders are delivered free, and orders of 6+ bottles receive 20% discount using the code DEVRD20. Click here to take advantage of this offer, now!
Yours in bubbles,